
"This is where you can write something about yourself. Nice place to let your hearts out."


"Yet another content line. I hate filling these up and I don't even like Lorem ipsum ;)" Looking for widgets, don't. Gonna add some cool AJAX popups for that.

Template - TODOs Wednesday, September 26, 2007 | 0

A few suggestions have dropped in, some of which I would be incorporating in the template, sooner or later ;)

  • Calendar based in-theme navigation.
  • Self-comments distinguishing.
  • Tag Clouds instead of labels.
Keep pouring in your suggestions. Thanks to all!

Theme - First Draft Monday, September 24, 2007 | 0

I am pleased to write here that the initial conversion of draft of this wonderful theme, Foliage (check the original Wordpress theme here) to Blogger 2.0 format is almost done. There are a few fixes it needs, once I would add a link for you to download the theme.

Issues remaining:

  • Links to feeds, posts and comments, need to be corrected.
  • The AJAX part needs to be working.
  • Few alignment issues.
  • and yes, TESTING :)
Feel free to drop your suggestions, I might include them in my theme.

Code - Snippets Tuesday, September 18, 2007 | 0

This is a test post to test the conversion of the Foliage Theme. This is a test post to test the conversion of the Foliage Theme. This is a test post to test the conversion of the Foliage Theme. This is a test post to test the conversion of the Foliage Theme. This is a test post to test the conversion of the Foliage Theme. This is a test post to test the conversion of the Foliage Theme. This is a test post to test the conversion of the Foliage Theme.

#sidebar h2 {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;
font-size: 1.2em;
padding-top: 30px !important;
padding-bottom: 15px !important;
color: #CEEC00 !important;

This is a test post to test the conversion of the Foliage Theme. This is a test post to test the conversion of the Foliage Theme. This is a test post to test the conversion of the Foliage Theme. This is a test post to test the conversion of the Foliage Theme. This is a test post to test the conversion of the Foliage Theme. This is a test post to test the conversion of the Foliage Theme. This is a test post to test the conversion of the Foliage Theme. This is a test post to test the conversion of the Foliage Theme. This is a test post to test the conversion of the Foliage Theme. This is a test post to test the conversion of the Foliage Theme. This is a test post to test the conversion of the Foliage Theme. This is a test post to test the conversion of the Foliage Theme. This is a test post to test the conversion of the Foliage Theme.

Img left, bold, italic Tuesday, September 18, 2007 | 0

Another test post. What more to say - another test post :) Another test post. What more to say - another test post :) Another test post. What more to say - another test post :) Another test post. What more to say - another test post :) Another test post. What more to say - another test post :) Another test post. What more to say - another test post :) Another test post. What more to say - another test post :) Another test post. What more to say - another test post :) Another test post. What more to say - another test post :) Another test post. What more to say - another test post :) Another test post. What more to say - another test post :) Another test post. What more to say - another test post :) Another test post. What more to say - another test post :) Another test post. What more to say - another test post :) Another test post. What more to say - another test post :) Another test post. What more to say - another test post :) Another test post. What more to say - another test post :) . Quisque non eros.

Another test paragraph. Fill it with some meaningful content.Fill it with some meaningful content.Fill it with some meaningful content.Fill it with some meaningful content.Fill it with some meaningful content.Fill it with some meaningful content.Fill it with some meaningful content.Fill it with some meaningful content.Fill it with some meaningful content.

Links, blockquote, unordered list Tuesday, September 18, 2007 | 5

This is how a hyperlink would be visible to you. Class aptent taciti I don't know what it says. One more hyperlink to go. GOD - I hate writing the lorem ipsum text, anyways. Quisque non eros.

A block of quote. This again has to be something like a few lines. So let it be. A block of quote. This again has to be something like a few lines. So let it be. A block of quote. This again has to be something like a few lines. So let it be. A block of quote. This again has to be something like a few lines. So let it be. A block of quote. This again has to be something like a few lines. So let it be.
Now comes is a bulleted list.
  • List item 1.
  • List item 2.
  • The third.
  • Enough!

fill me with meaningful content

"You may use this place to write about your blog, its intended purpose and audience, or just for any other reason better known to you."

Modified by Sandeep Gupta. Theme licenced under MIT License

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